Thursday, 25 January 2018

Tokyo Chicken Noodles Dish

Essential items

1 - Chicken     ½ kg
2 - Noodles 1 packet
3 - Green onion 4 number
               ( Cut in length )
4 - Soy sauce        ¼ cup
5 - White vinegar    2 meal spoon
6 - Chile sauce       1 meal spoon
7 - Wooster Sugar Sauce 1 Meat Spoon
8 - Hot Chicken Sauce 1 Meat Spoon
9 - Salt   According to Taste.
10 - Oil  According to Taste.

Recipe :

First boil noodles.Put oil in fry pan and heat up , put noodles in it when you get lightning cooked , take out put noodles from fry pan . Fry them in the same boil  oil and then pour green onions and take two minutes. After that put all items like  Chicken ,Soy sauce, Wooster Sugar Sauce, White vinegar, Chile Sauce, Hot Chile Sauce, Salt and cooked as well.When you see they are all cooked then put   noodles in fry pan and cooked until 10 minutes.After that take out and put in a dish and offer to family members .
