Thursday 8 February 2018

Chaat Masala

You can make a flavorsome chaat masala at home to season your sustenance. You will discover all flavors in your kitchen; take after this formula, make and utilize.


Catch red chilies 15

Cinnamon 2 inch stick

Cumin seeds 2 tbsp

Ajwain ½ Tsp

Coriander seeds 2 tbsp

Entire dark pepper 1 tbsp

Dark salt 1 tbsp

Ginger powder 1 tsp (hurled)

Salt 1 Tsp

Crude mango powder 1 tbsp (hurled)

Lemon salt 1 Tsp


In a skillet dry meal catch red chilies cinnamon, cumin seeds, ajwain, coriander seeds and entire dark pepper all independently.

Expel, cool, and pound finely.

Blend with dark salt, ginger powder, salt, crude mango powder and lemon salt.

Blend well and fill in the container and use as required.
