Sunday 4 February 2018



2 tsp of Kashmiri tea leaves OR unadulterated green tea leaves (this is a family form, turns out very near the genuine article)

1/4 – 1/2 tsp bicarbonate of pop

2-3 units of cardamom, seeds evacuated and squashed generally

1/2 some water

1/2 – some entire drain

1/4 – 1/2 tsp ocean salt OR sugar on the off chance that you lean toward, however, it's 'Salt tea' so salt is more valid!

Topping: 1-2 tsp of ground pistachios and almonds and 1 tsp of poppy seeds

Makes up for some tea. Takes around 15 minutes to get ready

Snow has touched base in London finally and about time as well, as the intense frosty breezes must be abridged with the entry of this though later than a typical winter wonderland. In Karachi, the coldest it would get resembles a London late-winter, however, it was tremendously anticipated alleviation from the extremely hot dry abandon winds of Autumn. The entry of winter dependably implied bunches of weddings, parties, and numerous late night merriments. My most loved was the melodic nighttimes held as a piece of the numerous wedding festivities, where nobody came till midnight and the music began at 2 – The motivation behind why I cherished these occasions was a direct result of the assortment of sustenance and sweltering Kashmiri pink tea that was streaming all through the night, There was something very inebriating about delightful established Pakistani verse being sung by some well known other-worldly vocalist and the hints of the sitar a tabla reverberating out of sight – the gem enhanced visitors protected by chilly climate by a substantial brilliant merry pixie light lit tent with luminous shading co-ordinated adornments… the nourishment was hot Pakistani halva, puri, and channa – great breakfast, Pakistani style. However, to me, the smooth really pink Kashmiri salt chai with warming nuts emerged. It's difficult to portray the flavor, it's a relatively rich surface with a zesty nutty crunch and an enduring warm sensation.

The Kashmiri's call this 'Twelve Chai', or Salt tea – and they utilize an exceptional tea leaf that develops in those parts, which looks like unadulterated green tea, not the ground assortment found in tea sacks, rather the long oolong tea leaf write. Also, salt is constantly included, not sugar and the option of ground pistachios and almonds included an innately 'gram' – hot component to the tea that warms up the body, considering that Kashmir has extremely icy winters. I don't have any Kashmiri connections, neither do I broadcast this to be a to a great degree bona fide adaptation, however my grandma who constantly made this tea with the first leaves and falling flat which she substituted with unadulterated green tea leaves, as informed by one concerning her numerous Kashmiri companions.

Try to get the correct shading! Which at first before including milk, is a dark red – Don't trust any individual who says that saffron goes into this tea to accomplish the red/pink shade, that is simply not right, the shading originates from the response of the tea with the bicarbonate of pop! I guarantee that it's not as difficult to accomplish and with a touch of training you will take care of business. This chai merits making particularly in these cold conditions, you'll simply be warmed up for a considerable length of time to come! You may even find that you pine for it in any climate!


1. In a pot on medium warmth, include the 2 tsp of tea with around 1/2 of water, bubble till foamy at that point include the bicarbonate of pop and whisk vivaciously for around 10 seconds and after that include whatever is left of the water and pulverized cardamom and bubble until the point when the tea stock turns into a brilliant red.

2. Presently convey the warmth down to medium-low and include the drain and whisk the tea soup vivaciously to accomplish a slight foam. The shade of the tea should now be a dazzling dim pink. In the event that you include more drain, the shading gets significantly lighter, the decision is yours.

3. At long last, include the salt and mix. Fill a glass and sprinkle with smashed pistachios and almonds. Appreciate while watching the snow fall….
